December 14, 2012

december. so far.

we're surviving birthday/holiday season over here so far. it's been a little berserk trying to get everything rounded up for rylan's birthday and christmas, but for the most part we are on top of things. the only major snag we've caught is baby boy's birthday invitations won't be here on the expected date and we will have to send them out only 4-5 days before his party. tiny prints got an earful from the mister about it, but don't worry it was a nice, yet stern earful ;)

/oh daddy, you're so funny/
/played too hard at church/
/filing away 5 year old thank you cards from our wedding/
/oh christmas tree!/
/riding momma's giraffe/
 /eric church concert with the sister/
/our spot on the couch/
/working on things for ry's birthday/
/peaceful night at the house by myself/
/my cheerio addict/
/lover of bath time/

can't believe my baby will be one next saturday ;'(
that is if the mayans aren't right ;)


  1. I adore his pants in the first picture!!! Where are those from?!

  2. they are actually from the girl's section at walmart! i saw them and had to have them!

  3. Little man is SO stylish! And LOVE your tree!

  4. Awww what a gorgeous little guy! Love that first one of him laughing at his Daddy. Your tree looks beautiful!

    Almost bday time.. eek!! Time flies!
