January 9, 2013

letting go.

so i was thinking. this thing called mommyhood, aka the "letting go" process, it's just plain tough sometimes. i'm on the down slope of weaning ry. i feed him once when he wakes up in the morning and once before he goes to bed. funny thing, or the not so funny thing, is i've been noticing how easy it's been for him every time i drop a feeding. reality sinks in.

he no longer "needs" me.

it's sort of a sobering thought that i better get used to.

"he no longer needs me".

well, for this at least.

breast-feeding came so easily for us. it was "our" thing. something only we share. it's a closeness no one else knows. all the times i've held you close and stroked your hair and breathed you in. nothing can touch those times.

you and i have something special baby boy, even if you don't always "need" me.

i'm holding you extra close and soaking it in these next few weeks as this time together is almost up.

love you forever,


  1. So sweet! I'm sitting here with my little one on my lap after nursing him and thinking about how quickly the time passes. Before I know it we will be where you are... I'm soaking in every sweet moment...

  2. So true. Crazy how these moments seem to slip through our fingers. but im finding that when you lose one "moment" you gain another.

  3. I could have written these exact same words!
    Henry is 10 mths and I hope we make it a year- but I already seem him becoming less and less interested and it kills me! I'm trying not to take it personally:)

  4. I can absolutely relate to this!!! Breastfeeding came so naturally to Alidia and I and she has always truly loved it and so have I. It has been such an amazing, special journey, but like you, I know the end is fairly near and it is definitely a tough thing for me to deal with, but I know for her it will just be another part of growing up. At least we will always have these special memories with our little ones :)

  5. Reading your words felt really familiar - my son just weaned after 16mths and although it was a very natural process where he just gradually lost interest, I still found it hard. I was worried we wouldn't have 'our' quiet time anymore but now we're just snuggling and reading more books instead :) Enjoy those last few weeks, it flies by

  6. My little one does not drop feedings easy haha which is why at almost two I nurse him At least five times a day. Love it!

  7. Beautiful! + I LOVE your new blog look momma! xo.

  8. Good post! One of the hardest things when I went back to work was when I had to stop nursing. After getting bottles all day, Bryar decided he didn't really want to have to "work" for his food. We made it 5 1/2 months and since he weaned himself, it was a lot harder on me than it was him. (Love the new blog look)

  9. This is sad! It's crazy how change...it's inevitable, and it never stops, yet it always sorta takes a little part of us. Cute blog. I'm actually pretty obsessed.

  10. Aw, sweet letter to your little one :)
    Been looking through your blog...love it! :)

  11. My boy and I are going through this right now - we are down to one feed, in the morning when we first wake up. I already miss him!

  12. Oh my little man is 6 months old and I know I won't be ready for this. It's funny when I first started breastfeeding it was a challenge.. and I didn't love it right away like I thought I would.. and now it seems, it'll be easy for baby and hard for me. These growing boys... it's too much! Love the new blog look.

  13. letting go is the worst! lol. such a hard job being a mama.

  14. What a sweet letter! I love that you said, "i'm holding you extra close and soaking it in these next few weeks as this time together is almost up." I feel like that so often with my two boys! I am treasuring each minute.

