June 26, 2012

dress like a grown up, but don't get all serious.

this past weekend the Mr. and I didn't have a lot going on which was kind of a relief for us since we've been pretty busy here lately.

we ended up at the outlet mall in the city due to a case of cabin fever and 100 degree temps. it's too dang hot out there you guys, where's my pool and shade tree? better yet, where's my friend Mr. Fall? don't get me wrong I love summer, but sheesh!

anywho, we landed ourselves at the mall on a mission to dress the Mr. like a grown up. hubs has always been pretty laid back when it comes to style. he's all about comfort, which i like. who wants their man to be more into style and fashion than themselves? not i.

since the Mr. has to dress at least business casual and sometimes even coat and tie for work, he's most likely to be found sporting basketball shorts and a t-shirt on weekends out or around the house. so i pretended like i was some fancy-schmancy fashion know-it-all, which i'm not, and steered hubs towards items that offered the same feel but with a grown up touch.

i'm proud to say that our mission was a success and the little one and i may have ended up with a few things ourselves. just call me the next Stacy London and give me my own show! style consultant cards are in the works ;)

Here's my pretty

A few of the Mr.'s things

don't go thinking we're a bunch of grown ups now or something,
you'll still find us playing Candyland and "I spy".


  1. Sperrys are my go to for my man too! He has like 3 pairs now because they are comfortable for him and stylish by my standards so we're both happy.


  2. we are so in the stage of needing more grown up clothes. my husband is the worlds worst shopper so i am on my own! ;) loving those sperry's
