Hi! I'm Ashley, the wife and mama behind the blog Pencilled Daydream.

I love writing and sharing our life through my blog...where you can expect to find my perspective on life as a wife, the ups and downs of mommy- hood, the Christian life, and my fun daydreams. I started a blog after having my first son Elias and have had so much fun sharing our journey. Now that I've had my second son Owen, I'm in full fledged mommy mode.
Recently, at my house, it looked like a grenade went off in the middle of Owen’s nursery floor. Baby clothes somehow managed to explode- which by the way seems to be a weekly occurence. And what's worse is that most of the clothes don’t even fit him anymore. I was left cramming baby clothes into an overstuffed drawer when I contemplated throwing them all out the window in hopes that I would never have to see them again. All that to say, I usually don’t have a lot of time to think about decorating the nursery. But the unthinkable happened, I actually found time to gear towards decorating Owen's nursery.
Here is a fun little DIY project that I did.
I found the idea to frame the letters in Owen's name on Pinterest. It was really easy to do. It was as simple as buying wooden letters, and an open frame at Hobby Lobby. All I had to do after that was paint them.
After everything was painted, I hung it on Owen's baby blue wall.
When it comes to decorating, I've found that it is great to choose something that is easy to do but that makes a big impact on the room. That is why I loved putting a frame around the letters of my son's name. It was easy, cute, and made a big difference in the room.