May 24, 2012

i'll love you forever.

i'll love you forever,
i'll like you for always,
as long as i'm living
my baby you'll be

These sweet words are from the book, Love You Forever. As I read them tonight, the night before you turn 5 months old, my eyes filled with tears. I'm not talking about just a few tears. No, more like a constant hot flow streaming down my face, only to be followed by more with every blink. 

Where these tears came from I'm not for certain. All I know is what I felt. I was overcome with emotion from a love for you that is impossible to describe. A love that I never want to change.

Your grandma (Gram) gave your daddy this book when you were born. She left a sweet note for him in the front cover: 

Sugar Man,

Today with the birth of your son- your blessings have just begun. You are now feeling what I felt 26 years ago with the birth of you. Now and forever you will feel and see so much joy and pride with every little (or big) thing Rylan does. Rylan is a wonderful blessing to you as you are to me.

Love you forever, 

A love between a mother and a son, impossible to describe and thankful to have.

love you forever baby boy,



  1. I LOVE this book! I was just reading it to Reed yesterday!.. What a darling note from Grandma.

  2. So sweet! This post just literally made me want to cry! I can't wait until I'm in the same phase!

  3. Such a sweet book. I bought this for my son years ago - :-)

  4. Did you see my post here:

    I love looking at that sign everyday - makes me so emotional!

  5. this made me tear up! such a beautiful letter to a beautiful boy!

  6. This is such a sweet post. Simply beautiful. xo Kinsey

  7. So incredibly sweet and emotional.

    I cry every time I read "I love you, Stinky Face" to Tay. Even books about smelly skunks make me tear up when I'm reading to my baby girl.
